1756 Texas Street, Natchitoches, LARobert Ogle is a District Manager in Natchitoches, LA, and has 20 years of experience in forestry. He has a Bachelor of Science in Forestry from Louisiana Tech University and is a member of the Society of American Foresters and the Louisiana Forestry Association. In addition to being a Louisiana Master Logger, Robert is a LDAF Certified Prescribed Burn Manager and a Certified Pesticide Private Applicator
Why did you pursue a career in forestry? I love spending time outdoors, so working in forestry allows me to spend a great deal of my time doing so. Most importantly, I get to be a steward of God’s creation.
What do you like the most about your role with AFM? My favorite part is working with a great team in the Texas Region. I love sharing my knowledge with young foresters coming out of school and watching them develop and grow, making their own mark in the industry.
1756 Texas Street, Natchitoches, LA