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Scott Bosley

Scott Bosley

District Manager

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Scott Bosley, West Virginia District Manager and Broker, oversees and manages all operations and work generated and performed within the district. Scott and his team provide forestry services across West Virginia, the surrounding states, and the Appalachian Region from the West Virginia District Office located in Prosperity, WV, and a field office located in Parsons, WV. He has 30 years of experience working in forestry, natural resources, and environmental fields, with 25 of those years working for AFM, previously SMBH. Scott has a Bachelor of Science degree in Forest Resource Management from West Virginia University. He is a WV Registered Forester, a member of the WV Forestry Association, a member of The National Woodlands Owners Association, a member of the WV Land & Mineral Owners Association, and a licensed WV Real Estate Broker.

Why did you pursue a career in forestry?

Growing up, I enjoyed spending time outdoors, hunting, fishing, and camping. In high school, I knew I wanted to work in a field where I would be outdoors, even though I didn’t know exactly what that field would be. Upon graduation from high school, I envisioned working as either a Park Ranger in a national park or working as a Wildlife Biologist for a state or federal agency. I began my college studies working towards that goal and hadn’t even thought about pursuing a career in forestry. During my sophomore year in college, I began to reevaluate my field of study. A high school friend’s father was a District Forester for the West Virginia Division of Forestry, and during a discussion with him while home during a break, he encouraged me to consider getting a degree in forestry. From that discussion, as they say, the rest is history. I ended up transferring to West Virginia University and earning my forestry degree. Some 30 years later, I’m still getting to fulfill my vision of working in a field where I get to be and enjoy the outdoors.

What do you like the most about your role with AFM?

I most enjoy interacting with and building relationships with our clients. I also enjoy the challenge of fulfilling the forestry or property management objectives our clients have entrusted to me and my team. I enjoy the diversity of the clients we get to work with and the diversity of the projects that I have been fortunate to work on; no two clients, projects, or properties are ever the same.

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304.929.3412 x101



464 Prosperity Rd., Mt. Hope, WV

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West Virginia

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